Welcome to the City for People

Your home, your work, and your city
Everything you need, right where you need it.

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© COBE Architects

A city for people is being built here!

Krulli Quarter is a neighborhood designed for people in the heart of Northern Tallinn. Krulli Quarter offers a unique and balanced living and working environment in an urban setting. It is our belief that by using such a holistic approach, we will be improving the lives of everyone who lives and works there. Add sustainable planning, an ecosystem conducive to future-oriented companies, and a strong sense of community to the mix, and we get Krulli Quarter, a city for people.

  • Area 10 hectares
  • More than 600 apartments
  • In Krulli, all roads are for pedestrians and light traffic only
  • Office space for 3000 jobs
  • Space for over 50 shops, businesses, and a kindergarten
  • 400-meter main road
  • Pocket parks and green city breaks
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Krulli—a bird’s eye view

Over 125 years ago, Franz Krull built one of the most modern factory complexes of its time right here. An Estonian industrialist of German origin, Krull opened 12 large production buildings, with office and residential space, for metal and machine manufacturing. Today, in the 21st century, a new city, one for the future, is being built in the same location. Krulli Quarter will offer a unique mix of home and work life, an urban space designed for people. As heritage preservation is one of our goals, we’re building new and restoring old structures. A business center, an Events Center, residential buildings, public urban spaces, shops, dining, galleries, and much, much more are in the works for Krulli Quarter. And this is only the first stage! The whole neighborhood can look forward to more architectural competitions to bring our vision to life.

The architectural plan for Krulli Quarter was crafted by Andres Alver, based on a concept developed by the Cobe architectural office in Denmark. Krulli Quarter is much more than just a run-of-the-mill construction project. It’s a jointly created urban space, with help from active community members, specialists, and future partners. They have all helped, they’ve all contributed, and they’ve all been key to bringing our vision to life.

Krulli Quarter’s development plan 2024–2034
2025–2027: The first stage of construction will see the Quarter’s flagship building, the Events Center, and the first three residential buildings completed.

  • Jointly created urban space—active involvement throughout the development period
  • Designed to reduce the environmental footprint
  • The tallest building is 8 floors (most buildings are 5 floors)
  • Our buildings are energy-efficient and use green energy
  • There will eventually be 20 buildings in the Quarter

Krulli is a 15-minute city, where you’ll always have an extra 10.

Everything you need within a few steps.

Krulli Quarter has homes, offices, and almost everything you could ever need within a very comfortable proximity. If everything important is only five minutes away on foot, you can use your time so much more wisely. Family, work, friends, and hobbies…everyone wins!

  • Perfect infrastructure (walkways, bike lanes, parking, noise reduction, and more)
  • Balanced construction of residential and commercial premises
  • A kindergarten with 8 groups

Successful companies are great, and unicorns are even better, but best of all are the people behind them!

Krulli’s office buildings are great to work in. We fully understand that the cornerstone of a successful company is happy employees. And while Krulli’s offices support work efficiency, it is the surrounding homes, shops, services, and greenery that provide the real sense of well-being.

  • Office buildings with coworking areas
  • Residential and office spaces are all within a five-minute walk
  • Sustainable, energy-efficient architecture
  • Flagship building: 15,000 m², 5 floors, offices, studios, eateries, shops, exhibitions
  • Over 50,000 m² of office space

Krullis on melu, elu ja veel mõned täiuslikud pisiasjad.

Krullis on omanäolised poed ja sündmused.

Krulli on linnaruum, teenused, ärid ja sündmused. Krullis on ruumi lihtsalt olla. Tänavad, platsid, pargid, poed, galeriid ja kohvikud on kõigile avatud. Krulli peatänav on olemise, mitte läbi liikumise koht.

  • Broad selection of shops and services
  • Packed itinerary of events all year long
  • Our historical Events Center in a fully restored and repurposed industrial building with 800 m²
  • Fully accessible for all types of mobility
  • In Krulli, all roads are for pedestrians and light traffic only
  • Pocket parks and green city breaks
  • Public urban space designed for people
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Krulli Quarter. Where village life and city life meet.

Krulli Quarter is a community in the heart of Tallinn

Would the ideal urban home be one where you could grow cucumbers in your own garden, let the children play by themselves, and the neighbors will always give a helping hand? In Krulli Quarter, your life in the city will be just as safe as a village, where everyone is your neighbor.

  • Over 600 apartments
  • A kindergarten with 8 groups
  • Pocket parks and green city breaks
  • Public as well as semi-public spaces: courtyards, sports facilities, playgrounds, gardens, and a community garden
  • Community manager

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

Krulli Quarter is sustainable and energy-efficient

We find innovative ways to repurpose original materials and structures. Our buildings are energy-efficient, and use green energy. Our blend of old and new is something to behold!

  • ESG, LEED, and all those other important acronyms
  • 5 buildings under heritage protection have been painstakingly restored
  • A composite plan for recycling and repurposing of old materials and structures

An urban space that we’re creating

Let’s make Krulli together!

We want our future residents, specialists, current fans of Krulli, as well as the people of Northern Tallinn, to tell us what they expect in Krulli. Because Krulli—this city for people—isn’t just made for people, but with people.

  • We dream big, but think practically
  • Public surveys, workshops, surveys
  • Community manager
  • Thinking and acting with locals and other specialists
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Krulli’s flagship building is full of ideas

Krulli’s shining star is its flagship building, where the business center, shops, and eateries are located. Historically a mechanical workshop, this building will be the HQ of companies of the future. The flagship is the heart of Krulli Quarter, and will be open to all. The building will be completed hand in hand with the Cobe architectural office and KOKO architects.

The flagship building of Krulli Quarter will be completed in 2027.

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The Events Center is quite a pearl

In Krulli Quarter, we want to promote entertainment as much as living and working here. This is why our Events Center will become Northern Tallinn’s most popular event venue. We’re restoring and breathing new life into one of the best-preserved historical buildings in the Quarter: the old repair shop. We plan to keep the industrial floor as open as possible so the building’s potential is as impressive as it is versatile. This unique building is being restored by KOKO architects.

The Events Center will be completed in 2027.

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The Krulli kind of flats

In the Kvartal residential buildings, our vision was to pair the community and coziness of Kalamaja with modern comfort. You can easily see elements of the stylish designs and materials of the wooden houses of Kalamaja in Krulli Quarter. Our first three residential buildings are designed by HGA—Hayashi–Grossschmidt Architecture. The buildings are unique in the landscape created by their roofs, as well as the varying widths of the buildings. The corresponding yards visually blend in with the public areas of Krulli Quarter.

Krulli apartment buildings will be completed in 2027.


Entrance: Kopli 70a
Public transport: Trams 1 & 2

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